Romantic Honeymoon Package


Thursday, April 2, 2009

How To Honeymoon - Environmentally!

Just a little bit of effort by travelers can make a huge impact on the environment. Often, it's the small things, the ones that we don't even think about ?but ones we should ?that make the biggest difference. Follow these tips for an environmentally sound honeymoon trip.

? Before your leave. Unplug your non-essential appliances, such as TVs, DVD players, microwave ovens, and computers. These modern-day necessities drain electricity even when they're not in use. Also, lower your thermostat if you're traveling during the winter and turn your hot water heater to its lowest setting.

? Conserve fuel when flying. Take-offs and landings use the most airplane fuel. Try to choose an itinerary with the fewest number of planes. If you're traveling a short distance, consider taking the train instead.

? Forget the car. Choose a centrally-located hotel and walk, rent a bike, or take public transportation to explore the city. You'll get a better feel for how the locals live and save gas also.

? Save energy at the hotel. Treat your hotel room as if it were your own home. Turn out the lights when you leave the room; turn up the air conditioning; don't let the faucet run while you brush your teeth.

? Reuse your towels. You don't wash your towels and sheets every day at home. You don't need to on vacation, either. Tell the hotel housekeeping staff that you only need the linens changed every three days or so.

? Eat Locally. Ask the restaurant wait staff to recommend dishes that are prepared with locally-grown ingredients, ones that don't have to be trucked ? or flown ? in. Drink local beer and wine, too. You'll have the added pleasure of learning about new foods and drink. Patronize sit-down restaurants rather than carry-out places that use disposable containers.

? Think before you buy. Too often those souvenirs that look fun and kitschy on vacation look junky and ridiculous when you get them home. Avoid adding to the nation's landfills by choosing your purchases carefully. Bring a canvas or mesh shopping bag for your purchases and forgo the ubiquitous plastic bags.

It is clear that the environment is going to become an even bigger issue than it is now. Honeymooners in the Alps cannot ski at the moment because there is no snow! Many resorts there are beginning to wonder what they will do in the future and whether the Alps will actually become a summer destination rather than a winter one.

This autumn in Europe is the hottest for many years. We have to care and change the way we act. The honeymoon is the start of a new life ? so why not make it the start of thinking differently, too?
Chris Morton ran hotels and restaurants for 17 years - catering for 100's of weddings. His wife Sue is a wedding planner with 10 years experience. Together they have established to provide unbiased help for brides and grooms. email:

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